Do You Have To Have A Referral To See A Gastroenterologist?

As someone who is age 50 or older, one question that you should find the answer to is this: “Are there any good gi doctors near me?” Although many individuals are not familiar with this branch of medicine, having an ongoing relationship with this type of professional is important to your health.

Why, you might ask, is it so crucial to find gi doctors near me? The answer can be summed up in three words: colorectal cancer screening. A gastroenterologist, also known as a GI doctor, is adept at procedures that can find precancerous growths called polyps in the colon or rectum. Before they do any lasting damage to your health, these growths can be removed. Since colorectal cancer is usually asymptomatic in its early stages, screening is the only way to detect and stop it.

For most patients, getting a colonoscopy is the most effective way to screen for and prevent colorectal cancer. This test involves first cleaning out your digestive tract on the previous day. Before the test begins, you receive medication that relaxes you and often causes you to forget the procedure altogether. The doctor then inserts a flexible colonoscope tube into your rectum. It is equipped with a video camera that projects images of your colon onto a screen. If any polyps are detected, the doctor removes them then and there.

As we age, we tend to require more medical attention. However, by following your GI doctor’s orders and receiving regular colorectal screenings, you can drastically reduce your chances of experiencing this type of cancer, which is the third most frequently diagnosed form in the United States. Attention to this aspect of your health via these tests can enhance both the quality and duration of your life.

Should You Floss Before Or After You Brush Your Teeth

Dental hygiene is an important part of keeping you and your body clean, it can provide you with confidence as well as improve your overall look if your teeth are healthy. An essential part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy is flossing; the most oft overlooked part of dental hygiene. Flossing gets the parts that a toothbrush and mouthwash struggle to reach and people who don’t floss often are at a much higher risk for cavities and gum infection. Here are some tips that you can use so you never forget to floss.

The first and probably the most important tip according to Dental SCV, is to put your floss in a place that makes you unable to ignore it. Rest it against your mouthwash or next to your toothbrush to ensure that every time you brush, you floss. Now that you are sure that you won’t forget to floss, time to talk about the actual act of flossing. To floss correctly, you need to make sure you take quite a long piece of floss, anywhere from 10-18 inches should be an ample amount for one session. The next thing you need to do is hold the floss in a way that will ensure tension, whether you grip it between your fingers or wrap it around a finger, make sure that you have a firm grip on the floss.

When it comes to the actual flossing, dental floss benefits suggest that you should always remember to be gentle. Your gums are extremely sensitive and being too aggressive with your flossing can often lead to bleeding gums and general discomfort. Gently slide the floss in between your teeth and use a back and forwards rubbing motion to remove any plaque or bits of food that may be stuck in the gaps between your teeth. Either wash the floss or reposition it in your hands to ensure that you floss each gap with clean floss. When you have completed flossing all of your teeth (even the back side of your last teeth) rinse out with water and mouthwash to ensure any loose bits of plaque or bacteria are washed from your mouth. Remember to throw out any used pieces of floss as they will not be as useful for a second use.

Flossing is known to protect your mouth from bacteria which can cause cavities, gum irritation, and even gum disease. Remember to use the most effective dental mouthwash and floss, so that you and your teeth can remain healthy and shining bright!

What Are The Best Companies That Offer Payment Processing Services For Small Businesses

The payment processing marketplace is constantly changing and adding new more secure methods for payment processing. As a business owner, you want to be as accommodating as possible to your customers allowing them to pay through whichever payment method is best for them.So what are some of the most common types of payment processing that you should be equipped to handle at your store? Keep mind mind there are also differences between online payment processing and accepting credit card payments in person. Overall, here are the main types that you want to make sure your business can process:


Good old fashioned hard cash. While this is becoming less and less common as a payment method, you still need to be able to accept this as a payment option. Afterall nothing beats straight cash and a customer would get pretty irate if you refuse to take straight cash. While this isn’t very realistic for online businesses, any transaction that takes places face to face has the possibility of becoming a cash transaction. This means having old fashioned cash registers or other types of security systems in place to protect the cash one it’s received and also having enough cash on hand to make correct change if needed.

Standard Terminals

A standard credit card terminal (which often comes with a cash register) is the most common way of accepting credit card transactions. The majority of modern terminals are able to handle swiping EMV credit cards and all NFC credit cards as well. This helps to increase the security of the transaction. These types of terminals can accept both credit and debit cards (with the use of a pin), allowing you to accept almost any type of payment method at your store.

Point of Sale Payments

Point of sale payment systems (or POS) are the next most common way of accepting credit cards for most businesses. POS systems have all of the credit card processing capabilities as the standard terminal register, but it’s an option that can also be mobile. Most point of sale systems are handheld so you can bring them directly to the customer. This can be great for restaurants where you want to check out the customer right at the table, or even for retail stores in order to avoid long lines waiting for the register. Point of sale payments and mobile point of sale payments are quickly becoming some of the most popular way to process payment transactions. The only negative is that they don’t have an efficient way to process cash, which means if you decide to use this method, you will likely still also need a good old fashioned register.

Mobile Point of Sale Systems

Like standard POS payment systems, mobile point of sale systems (mPOS) are able to process payments almost anywhere. The majority of these are basically just magnetic strip swipers or EMV chip readers that you can plug into a cell phone, thus turning it into a credit card processing machine. The swiper uses the cell data and network connection from the cell phone to connect with the payment gateway in order to process the transaction. This is one of the most cost-effective options which makes it really great for start-ups or for businesses that conduct the majority of their business online, but need an easy in-person backup option. While these card swipers are pretty cheap for the merchants, they also look that way to customers too. mPOS readers send a message that the company is not fully established or can’t afford a full more official register and payment system. Depending on the branding for your company, this perception could either be a positive or negative in driving more sales.

Online Booking System Security for Tour and Activity Businesses

Being able to feel safe and secure is every person’s wish. In a world filled with uncountable dangers and people with ill intentions, it’s always good to know that there’s someone out there looking after you and your property. And that’s why many people spend tons of cash on luxury and private security services.

These services are always custom made to ensure that you, your businesses and even your precious belongings are protected from harm. But, how can you find a competent security firm that will be worth paying for? Well, here are a few things to look out for when searching for the best private security services provider

1. Industry Experience 

Like in any other industry, experience matters a lot. It is always reassuring to know that your security is being handled by experienced professionals especially if you are looking for high-quality private security services. Experience simply means that the company knows a lot about security issues, how to handle them and that they should always be prepared for anything at any time.

2. Client Reviews and Ratings 

To better understand a security firm’s competence, you’ll need to look at their ratings and reviews. This helps you to paint a bigger picture about how they operate, how they respond to security issues, how they treat their clients and many other vital bits of information that you may need to make an informed decision. Therefore, before you hire a luxury security firm, make sure you read through what their clients have to say about them.

3. Quality of Service 

Seeing as this is what you are paying for, the quality of service needs to be good – if not exceptional. Get to talk to their staff members. Are they polite? Do they make you feel comfortable? Do they sound reliable? Do they make you feel like you and your items in good hands? How fast do they respond to security threats? These are just some of the many questions you’ll need to find answers to when assessing their quality of service.

4. Service Packages 

Seeing as everyone has different security needs. You need to closely examine each of their security packages to figure out which one works best for you. This means choosing a package that covers most – if not all – of your security needs. Also, you should try to check if they have any discounts, bonuses or extras – this always gives you more value for your money.

Now, these are just some of the most important things to look for when hiring a reputable  security services firm. If you find a firm that meets all your requirements, then you should hire them.

How Much Paint Do I Need To Paint A Motorcycle

Everyone who has attended a preschool can pick up a brush and paint, right? At that age, there are no welding or engine building classes. At least not at my public school. Painting your motorcycle has an approachability and simplicity that other artistries don’t. In spite of the early painting exposure, only a few master the art of graphics, color, and finishing.

Other than riding your motorcycle, customizing it to fit your taste and style is a great feeling. Whether you love taking up the challenge of doing it yourself or you trying to save some money for another project, at one point, you may consider painting your ride. Nonetheless, you can always seek professional paint services from a renowned company. The following are the necessary steps ought to be followed while painting a motorcycle.

It’s worth repeating here what the professionals always say; proper preparation guarantees a good finish. This also includes choosing a painting location, open or enclosed. If enclosed, ensure the walls and the floor are lined up with a plastic sheet to protect them from the paint. Place a fan strategically to direct excess paint out.

Arrange all the spanners and tools you may require to dismantle it for a good painting. You can as well cover up parts that need not come into contact with the paint with a thick paper. Sticking the thick paper on taillights, wheels, headlights, and chair with masking tape will ensure the paint doesn’t go past. In the preparation process, think about your final product. Which will be the theme color? Any patterns, lines, decals? Flat or flake color? Matte or gloss? This would help you know the necessities for the project.

Light up the painting location
Make sure there is good lighting as this ensures you have a view on every angle of your motorcycle. Add extra lights on the floor and around your ride. Alternatively, you can set up aluminum sheets on the wall or reflective mirrors. It has the same effect as adding lights.

Remove old paint
Before that, consider removing rust and old paint with sandpaper in a circular motion. Then apply a layer of well-mixed body filler on the sanded surface. Apply the filler in small patches till contented that the surface is excellent as the body filler dries up very quickly. Re-sand the surface again this time round ensuring it’s smooth.

Paint your motorcycle
A gas mask will come in handy as painting fumes can be toxic. The surface to be painted should be at relative temperatures with no dust as the paint maker recommends. Protect the motorcycle touch up paint surface from moisture and corrosion by applying two coats of epoxy primer. Blend the primer with a suitable hardener depending on the brand of the epoxy primer purchased.

Cautiously pour the solution into the spray gun. To get outstanding results, you can spray four or five layers. In 35 minutes time, the first, second and third layers will have dried. Repeat the procedure for every layer. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions on the can.
After you have done your fourth and fifth layer, wait for 1 or 2 days for it to dry. The longer it takes, the better as this yields high results of a paint job.

You can now final paint your motorcycle after your original colors are dry to satisfaction. A gritty texture is often left after applying several coats. Use a rag dipped in a thinner to wipe it off and also clean your gun spray to prevent the formation of lumps on the surface. After applying a clear coat, your paint job will be done.

What To Look For When Buying A Home Security Camera System

Mobile phones have changed our lives in so many ways by giving us control over things that we never imagined. It is possible to transfer money using phones, keep track of your health and even better control your home security. No matter how advanced your alarm system or how many CCTV cameras you have it is pacifying to be able to control them even when you are away.

Monitoring your home using your phone allows you to see what your security cameras are seeing and if properly set up you can even control your garage and view footage while at the office. This technology now made available for every valuable asset you own like vehicle cameras for instance. For your phone to perform this near magical feat you need to download a relevant app. Make sure that the application is compatible with your phone and that it gives you all the desired control over your home’s security.

Running your home from the phone involves more than physical security. Besides keeping a close eye on intruders you can always use the technology to ensure that things are in order at home. There are endless products that will let you know whether the power generator is working, controls the thermostat, allows you to remotely control doors and start cycles on washers or dryers. This is especially important when you are not home. Mark from Aladdin Doors states that garage doors are one of the most vulnerable and preferred break in spots for intruders. Being able to monitor every inch of your household from your mobile device is very practical and in many cases can save you from a big headache.

You can trust such technology to work in tandem with your prized mobile phone for ultimate security. Some people live under the notion that managing home security on mobile phones is expensive but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Nearly everyone owns a smart phone today which is all you need to gain unlimited control over your home. There is no longer an excuse to wallow in worry about the state of your property as it only takes a few swipes to get home and switch off the lights or water taps if you forgot. Your kids don’t have to wait in the driveway till you get home because you can’t trust them with keys. All you need is the right app that integrates with your home’s doors and phone so that you can let them in at any time. Take your time to search for the best home security app that will easily work with your current security system and guarantee you total peace of mind.

A Technique Used To Make Mobile Messages More​ Effective?

Small business owners may be trigger shy with regards to using SMS. A lot of feel that their clients or target audience can be upset by marketing messages or that some can get them intrusive. Other businesses, however, have had remarkable success with these techniques, particularly when they provide special offers or promos to people who opt in.

For instance, consider the situation of Seattle Tan. Within the initial month of their SMS marketing campaign, 4,750 persons subscribed to get text messages as well as offers. These offers attracted 196,000 new sales for the. SMS marketing could be a good first step for people searching to expand to mobile.

The top secret of finding success with SMS is providing value to your customers. This is often a special deal, reports on issues they are interested in, or invitations to unique events. The fact that a lot of small businesses stay away from SMS marketing removes competition (and the possibility of personal buyers finding themselves confused with marketing texts).

Take full advantage of SMS Marketing
There are many tips you should stick to make your current SMS marketing as successful as possible.

1. Build Value
There are a number of methods small business owners can perform this. From contests as well as free gifts to coupons, customers usually tend to opt in to your marketing if they’re becoming something in exchange.

2. Always Obtain Permission
Don’t just sign your customers up as soon as you have their mobile details. Make sure you obtain their express approval (otherwise referred to as the opt-in) before delivering them marketing sms.

3. Be Frequent
You don’t wish to overpower your audience with text messages, however you don’t wish to ignore them either. Create a particular deal or promo routine and stay with it.

4. Incorporate with Your Additional Marketing Strategies
“If you’re operating an online campaign, it is possible to link to it in an SMS,” said the experts at Textedly. You can also share the chance to opt in to these unique deals on the small business’s social networking pages.

5. Determine Your Progress
Keep an eye on the number of subscribers and those who prefer to opt out. This will assist you determine what you’re carrying out right and possible mistakes which could cost you customers.

Keeping up with mobile phone marketing can be hard, but you shouldn’t put all all of your effort on a mobile-friendly website or app. In case you aren’t benefiting from SMS, you’re missing out on a profitable opportunity to make sales and boost the publicity of your small business.

How Social Media Has Impacted Medical Professionals

With the technology evolving as time goes by, the social media is taking a new shape, and it is affecting various life aspects. Even though it was solely established for communicating and socializing, the social media has played a different role in the society. The world of medicine has also been affected by it but in a positive way. The social media has contributed to the growth of the healthcare. Here is how social media has impacted medical professionals.

It helps medical professionals to manage the public health

The public health is one of the top focuses of the health specialists when using the social media. Through the social media, the medical professionals deliver new and critical information about healthcare to the public. “Since it is viral in nature, it is easier for the us to provide the public with vital healthcare information,” shared Dr. Davis Nguyen.  A lot of internet users are found on the social media platforms, so it is easier to communicate with them effectively.

A tool to alert people about an outbreak or awareness event

Suppose there is a lethal outbreak that has affected a particular area or even the whole country, the people will be alerted via the social media. With the ability to share posts on the social media platform, it becomes easier to spread the news. Also, if there is an awareness event that is to take place in a particular area, the public will be informed via the internet. Gone were the days when people had to listen to every commercial break on the radio or the TV to follow any upcoming event. The social media has made it easier to reach the people regarding an emergency or an awareness event.

Converting audience into patients

When the health professionals post about their reliable services and products or post about a condition through the social media, the reader might be converted into a patient. Different internet users are looking for health information. For that, if there is a reliable health specialist active on the social media, the reader will automatically depend on them for the health services that they need.


The social media has greatly impacted the healthcare industry, and the professionals have an easier time to educate their patients. Also, some health institutions like Platinum Care LA offer around-the-clock services and also make themselves available through social media. This way, patients can chat with the health professionals, either via a discussion, or one-on-one. It is a tool that has boosted the healthcare service delivery, and the patients can access the information with ease.